Initially I wanted to go to Finland!
A European monologue for 5 actors
Multilingual version with Engl. subtitles
/ 2014
„What is – in fact – the most important thing in everyday life? To have a good network, a job that keeps you afloat and also offers you a certain standard of living.“
For a few years now more and more people from crisis-ridden neighboring European countries thronging to Germany. In contrast to earlier migration waves, today women and men between 20 and 35 are well educated and more ambitious. They come from Spain, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Italy and Romania. They have professions like architect, artist, media scientist, teacher, engineers, dental technician, journalist, craftsman, etc. Not all of them are prepared. Sure, some can speak the language. For others it is a leap in the dark.
Few of the migrants are lucky enough to get work in their profession straight away; hence most of them have to live of short-term jobs or low-paying internships. Many of them miss their friends and family, but hardly anyone regrets their departure. They all see in the European „freedom of movement“ a chance for personal growth and career development accompanied by new experiences, in order to someday maybe return to their country or city with suggestions or contributions for their future.
The theatre production „Initially I wanted to go to Finland!“ is based on an extensive interview research. We met with 17 young Europeans for detailed discussions.
We wanted to know who the people behind the numbers and statistics are, who we come to know from media every day. What are their stories? What has changed their perception living abroad? Were their hopes and expectations fulfilled? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living away from „home“? What do they identify with? How did Germany welcome them? And last but not least: With what thoughts and feelings are they looking at Europe, in which they can move so „freely“?
We have determined that the Europe’s history lives in the hearts and biographies of its inhabitants. We have determined that – in spite of differences in origin, age, culture and language – there is a lot more that unites people than separates them. And we were confirmed in our fear that the dream of a common European future in solidarity, partnership and respect turns into a nightmare, if the politics of the European countries don’t turn to the people.
Five actresses and actors from five EU countries claim the „Union“ on stage in the form of a single, continuous European monologue. They move fluently, almost limitless on the inner maps of various biographical (Migration) stories. The result is a musically – atmospherically communal language space, which puts the lived experiences of young EU citizens and their views of the future into focus.
Direction: Dieter Krockauer
Dramaturgy, Set Design: Graciela González de la Fuente
With: Lidia Cangiano, Athina Tsantekidou, Mirca Preißler, Alexandru Cirneala, Eneko Sanz
Text Version, Interviews: D. Krockauer, G. Glez. de la Fuente
Production Management: Mirca Preißler
Lighting Design: Hans Fründt
Nefeli Skarmea (Greece), Irene Molina (Spain), Konstantina Dacheva (Bulgaria), Nicoleta Tutuianu (Romania), Silvia Petrova (Bulgaria), Marta Brito Costa (Portugal), David Silva (Portugal), Lidia Cangiano (Italy), Athena Tsantekidou (Greece), Julio Canto Ortiz (Spain), Irene Mattioli (Italy), Rita Couto (Portugal), Cristina Herrero (Spain), Nuno Vasconcelos (Portugal), Oksana Didichenko (Ukraine), Katarzyna Gaudyn (Poland), Kornèl Koncz (Hungary), Fabio Cremonesi (Italy)
Wiederaufnahmefonds, Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.
Co-produced by:
Theater unterm Dach Berlin, german stage service Marburg, LOT-Theater Braunschweig